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Frequently Asked Sponsorship Questions

Sponsorship Giving
How do I access my sponsorship dashboard?
To access your sponsorship dashboard, log in. Under My Account, select My Sponsorships.
Can I make a one-time donation to a child?
While you cannot make a one-time donation to a specific child, you can make a one-time donation of any amount to a specific school/project to help provide for additional student needs. The Student Support Fund for each school/project can be found under the heading GIVE A SPECIAL GIFT TODAY! on the main sponsorship website.
Can I anonymously sponsor a child?
Yes. However, your contact information will still be shared with the local field staff at the child’s school/project. They may reach out to you on occasion (to say thank you, share an update, etc.), but the main reason for this is to enable you and your sponsored child to write letters to one another. Whether anonymous or not, TeachBeyond child sponsorships are private, and no donor information is ever made public or shared with others outside of our child sponsorship staff.

If you do not want your contact information to be shared with the local field staff but would still like to support the children at one of TeachBeyond’s sponsorship sites, you can give an anonymous one-time or recurring gift to one of the Student Support Funds found under the GIVE A SPECIAL GIFT TODAY! heading on the main sponsorship website.

Can I sponsor more than one child?
Absolutely! There is no limit to how many children you can sponsor.
What happens if my sponsored child leaves the program?
If the child you sponsor leaves the program, we will notify you via email. We will match you with another child from the same school/project and send you a second email to introduce you to your new child.

On your Sponsorship Dashboard, you will then be able to see your new child's photo and profile, write letters to him/her, and view or edit your sponsorship giving. 
Am I the only sponsor for my child?
Yes, you are the sole sponsor matched with your child through our program. This is why your prayers, letters, and financial support are so meaningful to him/her.
Does my sponsored child directly receive my sponsorship funds?
We combine your gifts with the gifts of other caring sponsors to benefit all children and their families attending your sponsored child’s school/project. Our trusted, local staff disburse the funds to ensure they have the greatest impact in your sponsored child’s community. Your sponsorship is essential for these children to be able to receive all the benefits of our program.
How much of my donation reaches the in-country school/project?
For every dollar donated, $0.91 reaches the in-country school/project.
For more information about giving to TeachBeyond, click here.
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Child Profile Information
How can I find and print my sponsored child’s photo and profile information?
To view or print your sponsored child’s profile page, visit your Sponsorship Dashboard. Under MY SPONSORED CHILDREN, find the name of the child you’re looking for, and click Actions on the right-hand side. Click Download Child Profile and then click Download. You will now be able to view and/or print the PDF page.
Why is my sponsored child’s country listed as a region instead?
Some of the children in our program live in what’s called a creative access country, meaning that traditional missionary activity is illegal or banned in that nation, and our missionaries use other platforms to gain entrance into the country. To help protect our creative access missionaries and the children they serve, we are not able to share the name of the specific country.
Writing Letters
How do I write to my sponsored child?
To write a letter to your sponsored child, visit your Sponsorship Dashboard. Under MY SPONSORED CHILDREN, find the name of the child you want to write to, and click Actions on the right-hand side. Then click on Write a Letter, and write your letter in the space provided. All written letter content must be in English and typed in the box on this page. You can also add photos to your letter under Attachments. When you’re finished, click Submit under Actions.
Will I receive letters from my sponsored child?
Yes! While you may not receive a letter in response to every letter that you write to your sponsored child, you will receive a minimum of two letters from him/her every year.
I didn’t receive a response from my sponsored child. Did he/she receive my letter?
Yes! Every letter you write is shared with your sponsored child, even if your child is not able to write a response back to every letter.
Can I view or print previous letters between me and my sponsored child?
Yes! On your Sponsorship Dashboard, all previous letters are stored under COMMUNICATIONS WITH YOUR SPONSORED CHILD. On the right-hand side of the letter, click Actions followed by View/Print Letter. If you do not see one of the letters you wrote there, it may be under LETTERS IN REVIEW which simply means your letter has not been delivered to the child’s school/project yet.
How quickly are letters delivered between me and my sponsored child?
The length of time for letters to be delivered can vary. Letters you write to your child will be reviewed and sent to your child’s school/project within five business days, but we have no control over how quickly it is delivered or shared with your child. When your child sends a letter to you, it will display on your Sponsorship Dashboard within five business days.
What should I include in letters to my sponsored child?
We understand it can be difficult to know what to write to your sponsored child. The good news is, one of their favorite things to receive is photos (no language required!). There are countless other things you could include, but some topics that work well are describing your family, sharing prayer requests, talking about your job or school, sharing your hobbies and interests, talking about your childhood memories, explaining your holiday traditions, and/or sharing Bible verses and words of encouragement
Is there anything I should not include in letters to my sponsored child?
In general, it is best to avoid sharing anything that may be culturally offensive, that may emphasize the economic disparities between you and your child, or that may not be age-appropriate for your child. We also ask that you do not share any personal contact information or mention your desire to meet or visit your student. Because there are so many factors to be taken into consideration and we don’t want you to be hesitant to write to your child, we will review all letters before they are delivered, and we will withhold or modify any letters that we feel are inappropriate or potentially dangerous to you or your child.
About TeachBeyond
What is TeachBeyond’s mission and vision?

Mission: As followers of Jesus, we are a global community providing transformational education services as part of God's ongoing mission to transform individuals and communities into all He intends.

Vision: A world where individuals and communities become all God intends

To learn more about TeachBeyond's mission, vision, and values, click here.

Is TeachBeyond a nonprofit organization?
TeachBeyond is a registered 501(c)(3) organization, and donations are tax-deductible.
What is TeachBeyond’s safeguarding policy?
Because TeachBeyond recognizes the value of all children as image-bearers of God, we adhere to safeguarding guidelines for each individual. For more information about our safeguarding program and philosophy, click here.
Is TeachBeyond affiliated with any church or denomination?
TeachBeyond is not affiliated with any church or denomination, but we ascribe to the statement of faith of the World Evangelical Alliance.
Where can I learn more about TeachBeyond?
To learn more about TeachBeyond, visit
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